Purpose of Project and Background
The following are the Terms of Reference for the position of Indonesia Shelter Coordination Team (SCT) Operations Coordinator. This position forms part of the IFRC Shelter Cluster Coordination Team, in its role to support the Ministry of Social Affairs (MOSA) as the lead agency for the National Protection and Displacement Cluster under which the Shelter Sub-Cluster sits. The position is to lead at the national level the operations of the SCT, ensuring compliance with IFRC systems and procedures and proper documentation for upcoming reports. The SCT works with the Government lead agency, MOSA, to coordinate shelter assistance to both the 2018 Earthquake and Tsunami in Central Sulawesi, and the earlier Earthquake in West Nusa Tengara, in the current context of the Covid 19 pandemic.
In the early stages of the two responses the SCT consisted of three sub-teams, one each in the two affected provinces of NTB and Sulteng, along with a National Team, each in their own dedicated offices in close proximity to MOSA/DOSA. Over the last two years the SCT has provided a wide range of support to MOSA including:
IM support for tracking which agencies are providing assistance and where, when and what they are providing.
Analysis of outstanding needs and gaps in assistance.
Advocacy support.
Support for chairing, conducting and documenting coordination meetings.
Technical advice on both coordination and shelter construction issues.
Communications support for social media and public outreach.
General administrative support.
Since March 2020 the plans of the SCT and of the Sulteng NTB response have been highly disrupted by the ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic. While on one hand hindering plans for field evaluations and field training, the pandemic response has also brought increased need for direct support to the Ministry for coordination of Covid-19 related shelter issues in the affected areas and at the national level. In response to Covid 19 restrictions, the work of the SCT is now primarily conducted remotely with most team members working from home. The support provided by the SCT to MOSA is currently phasing out. The final stages of handover, documentation, knowledge management, and reporting requires close compliance with IFRC systems and procedures and with Global Shelter Cluster needs for dissemination and learning. The SCT Operations Coordinator ensures the SCT operations meet all these requirements and leads, oversees, and supports team members in delivering on their role in accordance with the highest standard. He/She also provides technical advice and guidance to SCT members on shelter cluster coordination, shelter technical standards, and cluster handover processes.
Duty station: Home-based, with regular travel to Jakarta, Indonesia subject to COVID-19 restrictions Duration: 60 working days - from November 2020 to February 2021 (4 months)
How to apply:
Interested candidates should send their CV and a cover letter to (pablo.medina@ifrc.org), outlining in no longer than 1 page how their interest, qualifications and experience meet the requirements for the position as well as daily fee.