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WASH Consultancy

Organization: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Closing date: 06 Feb 2018

Purpose of Project and Background

A long-term WASH project in Ghana is concluding in early 2018 (Phase 1) and there is interest from the Ghana Red Cross, IFRC, and Nestle to support a Phase 2 project with a timeframe of four to five years in further contribution to SDG 6. This consultancy will feed into the planning and proposal preparation process learning from Phase 1 and having a new focus upon Urban WASH and centralised systems while also taking into consideration major changes in Ghana Government policy and structures that have evolved during 2017.

Project objectives

The consultancy should be completed with recommendations fed into the Phase 2 planning process by end of April 2018.

The transition from the MDG to the SDG era calls for a balance between continuity and a notable departure from business as usual. This will require a new take on development policies, plans and programmes; on means of implementation and on monitoring progress. The SDG on clean water and sanitation (SDG 6) states; “by 2030, ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”, thus holistically covering all WASH issues from the perspective of economic, social and environmental sustainability, in a holistic manner.

This study aims at understanding the scope and context of key opportunities, barriers and proposed solutions to provide sustainable water and sanitation services covering all aspects of WASH while with specific interest in attention on the cost recovery financing approaches targeting rural, semi-urban and Urban cocoa producing communities in Ghana.

The study will evaluate the following key areas:

(1) Stakeholders roles, responsibilities and capacities, with specific focus on roles in relation to synergy and partnership with Government, target communities and the catalytic role of the Red Cross and Nestle.

(2) Changing and evolving Policy environment

(3) Socio economic overview of target group.

(4) Community engagement and perceptions

(5) Cost recovery and financing of water supply schemes (especially centralised systems).

(6) Ensuring AT LEAST an equal emphasis on sanitation and hygiene promotion including environmental safety.

(7) Assess needs, opportunities and challenges for WASH in institutions specifically schools

and health facilities in the underserved communities.

(8) Potential support to small scale entrepreneurs for service and maintenance.

(7) Provide an overview of practical and applicable water and sanitation systems/technologies, existing solutions (handpumps, household water treatments, solar driven small schemes,) and related potential challenges and innovation.

(8) Give overall guidance on technical options for phase 2 taking into consideration cost effectiveness; beneficiary cost per person; efficiency and best use of funds to reach as many people as practical; long-term sustainability and ensuring a robust monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment framework is embedded in the Phase 2 project.

Expected Outcomes and Deliverables

Ø A general overview of water supply and sanitation solutions and hygiene promotion in rural and urban context at present in Ghana, what other actors are doing and what is working well and what is expected as the WASH architecture evolves.

Ø A brief socio-economic overview, including factors related to willingness and ability to participate in and pay for water supply and sanitation services segmented by levels of economic status e.g. lower and higher income, geographic- rural and semi-rural, urban etc.

Ø Understanding of community/beneficiary perceptions on quality of water and sanitation services with reference to locations of distribution, preferred technology of choice, tariffs, governance, management and accountability.

Ø Analysis on prevailing opportunities, strengths, weakness and threats related to cost recovery approaches to the WASH sector.

Ø Analysis of water supply technologies utilized within the target communities including new innovative options and advising on suitability related to their advantages and disadvantages.

Ø Proposed key recommendations as basis for the development of a comprehensive project proposal for a sustainable WASH sector

Consultancy outputs

A detailed final report with recommendations including an executive summary of not more than 25 pages, annexes giving more detailed information may be attached. The consultants will co-facilitate a planning workshop to feed into the final proposal, workplan, and detailed budget for the Phase 2 project.


· Desk study of all relevant documentation including Red Cross detailed base line surveys and project documentation, other documents and references available in the public sphere, this should include gaining understanding of the Nestle CSV and cocoa plan initiatives. (5 days)

· Field Mission in Ghana to meet all existing and potential stakeholders, through interviews and meetings including beneficiary interaction collate key information and conclusions to input into the proposal planning process.

· Visit the on-going WASH project and interview key stakeholders, identify lessons learned from Phase 1 and potential improvements for Phase 2.

· Co-facilitate with IFRC a workshop with GRCS and Nestle in Ghana to review the draft Phase 2 proposal and list key recommendations for its further development. (15 days)

· Conclude the mission and consultancy and provide a brief study report (executive summary 5 to 10 pages) with annexes as relevant. (3 days).

Therefore tentatively 8 days remote desk study and 15 days in-country. (total 23 working days) plus 4 days international travelling.

This is a standard approach to ensure an objective and evidence based approach is undertaken within an appropriate time frame and within an acceptable level of budget allocation.

Support to be provided to the consultant

  • The consultant or consultancy team will be joined for at least part of the consultancy process by GRCS and IFRC staff to provide orientation but also to contribute to the findings and outcomes of the study with a special focus on WASH/Sanitation ‘software’ and gender and disability inclusion.
  • GRCS and IFRC will provide linkages to Government, Nestle and provide comprehensive project related documentation to the consultant or consultancy company.
  • GRCS and IFRC will assist in providing or facilitating logistics arrangements such as airport pick-up and drop-off, visa application/facilitation, advise on security and accommodation and provide a venue for the planned workshop towards the end of the consultancy.

Schedule for payment of fees

Full payment on completion of consultancy, final detailed report submitted, and invoice submitted for the full amount.

Time Allocation, for budget purposes

The consultancy should take no more than 6 weeks in total within which a total number of consultants working days should be not more than 23 working days plus 4 travelling days.

Management of consultancy

The consultancy will be jointly managed by Robert Fraser (Senior Officer WASH) in Geneva and Abel Augustinio (WASH Delegate Ghana) based in Ghana.


  • Consultant company or individual with a minimum of 10 years of experience in rural and urban WASH sector, having worked for humanitarian and institutional actors including Government in Africa.

  • Fluency in English.

  • Previous experience in Ghana is an advantage.

How to apply:

Consultancy companies or individual consultants whishing to apply should submit the following information by email to Robert Fraser (Robert.fraser@ifrc.org) and Réa Ivanek (rea.ivanek@ifrc.org) :

• Brief profile of the consultancy company or individual making the bid and CV of lead consultant offered

• Brief description of methodology proposed which reflects our Terms of Reference and suggested time frame

• Details of the offer (costing) with daily fees separated from per diem. International travel, admin or logistics costs (IFRC will provide in-country transport)

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