Country: Pakistan
Organization: International Federation of Red Cross And Red Crescent Societies
Closing date: 6 Dec 2022
- Assist in developing quality plans for the operation, ensuring engagement and compliance from all management, technical and support team to a results-based and adaptive process.
- Ensure compliance with IFRC standards for planning.
- Assist in setting up systems and guidance to support the development of quality plans from each sector and to enable the consolidation and subsequent revisions of the operational strategy to inform a coherent, high-quality plan.
- In addition to the existing results-based management approach to planning, promote an adaptive management approach to planning to ensure that feedback and lessons learned to inform the evolution of the operational response.
- Ensure that PMER is well represented and supported in the operational planning and budgeting (e.g. plans and resourcing for setting up PMER systems, products and deadlines) and in operational management.
- Assist in setting up Federation-wide planning.
2. Monitoring
- Assist in developing the monitoring mechanism and implementation plan for the operation, including outlining data sources, collection methods (quantitative and qualitative methods), frequency, and audience.
- Assist in designing and establishing system(s) to collect reliable and timely monitoring data that captures the operation’s implementation and informs operational management and quality programming.
- Liaise closely with sectoral teams to define and agree on data sources, collection methods and management systems for quantitative and qualitative data.
- Assist in coordinating with NS to maximize coordination and collaboration around data collection, benefit from secondary data and reduce duplication and the negative impact of assessment fatigue.
- Ensure a sound analysis of monitoring findings and a clear presentation of these to management, through reports, data visualization and evidence-based documentation, to inform decision-making
- Undertake field monitoring visits with technical and NS teams.
3. Evaluation
- Assist in coordinating any surveys, reviews, lesson-learning exercises/workshops, evaluations, or other relevant studies, to ensure they are timely, useful and ethical and uphold IFRC’s criteria and standards.
- Ensure all review or evaluation work is evidence-based and considers the outcomes, as well as the outputs of the response, to ensure that this informs future operational decision-making and quality programming.
- Participate in any internal reviews of operational progress, including lesson-learning reviews.
- Promote the sharing of findings and lessons from M&E processes to inform future implementation.
4. Reporting
- Provide good quality of reports for the operation (e.g. Ops Updates, situation reports, and other relevant reports).
- Ensure that all reporting on the operation is compliant with the IFRC’s standards and formats.
- Collaborate with technical and support managers, particularly finance and PRD, to ensure compatibility between narrative and financial information in all reports and for any pledge-based reporting.
- Assist in engaging with NS and PNSs to ensure there is appropriate knowledge of what others are doing in the operational context to inform reporting.
5. Information Management
- Support the National Society in ensuring quality of data collection processes and data management activities, including the design, build/coding, implementation and management of primary data collection/mobile data collection activities.
- Ensure timely preparation and generation of information products such as infographics, dashboards and maps for information sharing and dissemination to relevant stakeholders during operations
- Apply responsible data protection across the operation.
- Maintain the GO Platform emergency page.
How to apply
To apply, please forward your CV to For detailed Job description please visit
Please mention the position applying for in Subject Line of the email, otherwise your application may not be considered. Deadline for submission of applications is 06th December, 2022
Female candidates are encouraged to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.