Country: Lebanon
Closing date: 08 Feb 2017
- Background
The Regional office is a decentralized part of the Secretariat of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (the Federation). Mandated by the Federation’s Constitution (which assigns specific functions and services to the Secretariat) and guided by the evolving Strategy 2020 and in particular the membership services as defined in the Secretariat’s commitments to realize S2020, the Secretariat coordinates and supports the efforts of the membership to improve and scale up work aimed at addressing the increasing number of humanitarian and development challenges in the world.
In order to ensure a minimum of harmonization across regional offices worldwide and to facilitate coordination, a certain degree of standardization is required. This standardization takes various forms, one of which is to have a basic group of staff replicated in each regional offices. These positions are called ‘standard core positions’ and the Administration Officer is one of them. The Administration officer reports to the Administration Senior Officer.
- Purpose
The Administration officer will be responsible for implementing the regional administrative policies and procedures according to Federation standards in the region.
Provide administrative support to all hosted PNS
Assist in identifying suppliers for different administrative needs and assist in the launching of request for quotations for services and framework agreements signature purposes.
Manage all outsourced administrative services and maintain good relationships with all stakeholders.
Ensure that the office premises and grounds in all offices are adequately cleaned & maintained – supervise the cleaning ladies - and that the office utilities (electricity, water, telephone, fax, e-mail, office security system, garbage and recycling services) are functioning properly and invoices paid to services providers.
Identify real estate agents and houses for expatriates within the security perimeter as defined and authorized by the security Advisor Services and ensure that all houses leased in all locations are equipped according to the standards list and properly maintained according to contract with the landlord and regional housing policy. Ensure timely renewal of lease agreements after consultation with the Human Resources Manager.
Follow-up on expatriates visas and residency applications prepared by the administrative assistant. Ensure the embassies, MoFA and GS procedures and requirements are being periodically updated into the IFRC system for constant accurate information where needed.
Ensure that all personnel have a well-equipped workstation and attend to any requests regarding stationery and furniture.
Supervise the receipt and safe storage of all goods in the office. Ensure that adequate systems for stock control are in place including physical stock take every six months for office or household furniture and equipment.
Ensure that all offices carry out at least once a year, physical stock takes and check all fixed asset movements and disposals in order to reconcile and update the record on the Fixed Asset Register and the Insurances contract. Inform the Finance Manager of the results and any discrepancy. Evaluate the depreciation of all assets and organize the disposal according to the Federation procedures and after the approval of the Admin. Manager.
Manage and control all maintenance work done for the office and delegates houses according to approved request. Respond to all related maintenance work at all times.
Ensure that all offices have an efficient and effective travel, hotel, conference, accommodation and transportation service which is cost effective for all Federation staff missions and provide regular analysis to the Admin Senior Officer.
Maintain good and high level public relations with all service providers and landlords.
Maintain high level of confidentiality at all levels of work.
Supervise the proper Implementation of the regional filing system in the Administration Unit by the Receptionist and Administration Assistant and organise annually the archives in the office’s warehouses.
Ensure the well-functioning of the vehicles rented by the office and the PNSs. Supervise the maintenance, repair, fuel reporting and the proper upload of all required information as well as their updates on fleet wave.
Supervise the drivers where needed as well as their duty segregation on a daily basis.
Assist and supervise the admin. assistants and receptionist in their tasks where needed.
Be part of the after working hours administrative support phone rotation in case of urgent needs.
Any other duties that may be assigned by the Admin. Senior Officer or Finance and Admin. Manager.
- Skills and Knowledge
Good mental and physical health (Required)
University Degree in Business Administration or relevant major (Required)
5 years of relevant professional experience in administration (Required)
Experience in dealing with hotels and other service providers (Required)
Experience in dealing with hotels and other service providers (Required)
Proficient with Internet and Microsoft Offices – MS Word, MS Excel and MS PowerPoint (Required)
Fluent in English and Arabic (Required)
French language (Preferred)
Core Competencies:
Strong sense of ownership and able to see through the completion of task assigned (Required)
Teamwork; commitment to the International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement; integrity & personal conduct; sensitivity to diversity; Flexibility & adaptability; interpersonal skills; resilience; friendly. Have a positive attitude, resourceful, hardworking, trustworthy, mature and able to maintain confidentiality at all times (Required)
Able to work independently and in stressful situations (Required)
Resourceful and capable to research and source information (Required)
Pro-active and highly organized (Required)
How to apply:
For those who are interested in the above mentioned position, kindly submit your CV with the cover letter to the HR personnel:
Make sure to put the title of the vacancy you are applying to as the subject of your email, otherwise your application will NOT be considered.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within 2 weeks after the ad is closed.