Overall objective:
Provide remote and face-to-face technical assistance to support the mass distribution campaign of ITNs in the following regions of Cameroon and associated campaign timelines:
- Adamaoua, Far-North and North regions for phase 1 and sub phases: phase 1a planned for May 2022 and phase 1b planned for July 2022.
- East, Littoral, West and South regions for phase 2 planned for September 2022.
This consultancy comes from a request from the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) in Cameroon for technical assistance from the Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP) for the organization of the ITN mass distribution campaign in Cameroon in 2022/2023. This consultancy contract will aim at supporting the NMCP for the remaining activities under first phase of the mass ITN distribution campaign (implementation, monitoring and evaluation and reporting) as well as at supporting the planning for the second phase.
Cameroon will organize its fourth ITN mass distribution campaign between 2022 and 2023. This campaign, co-financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GF) and the Government of Cameroon, aims at distributing 16,756,141 ITNs free of charge in the country's ten regions. The campaign will take place in three phases currently planned as follows: the first phase in May and July 2022 concerns three regions (Adamaoua, Far North and North), the second phase in September 2022 concerns four regions (East, Littoral, West and South), and the third phase in October 2023 concerns three regions (Centre, Northwest and Southwest). The Global Fund is financing the purchase of the ITNs and operational costs in all regions, except for the South and Central regions where the campaign will be entirely covered by the Government of Cameroon.
The NMCP, with the support of AMP, has developed a macroplanning package, which includes:
- Campaign plan of action
- Logistics plan of action
- Social and behaviour change (SBC) plan of action
- Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan of action
- Timeline
- Risk assessment and mitigation plan
- Quantification including for personal protective equipment (PPE) and adaptations for the COVID-19 context
- Budget
These core documents will guide the campaign for all phases and all regions, though modifications may be made based on operational experience in the first phase.
Terms of reference:
- Review the logistics plan of action developed (see above) as part of the first phase of the campaign and make necessary adjustments for phase two
- Finalize the timeline of the activities of the second phase of the campaign
- Updated logistics plan of action for validation
- Timeline of activities for the second phase of the ITN campaign for validation
Microplanning (phase 1 and phase 2)
- Support the updating of microplanning templates
- Support the development of micro positioning plans;
- Support the update of the list of information to be collected in advance of microplanning (takes into account the waste management aspect and reverse logistics);
- Review the microplanning template and tools developed for logistics based on experience in the first phase of the campaign
- Support the update of the agendas for the training of facilitators and for the microplanning workshops at the district level
- Support the updating of the PPTs, supports and materials for microplanning (training of facilitators and workshops)
- Support the training of facilitators for microplanning
- Support the update of the template for the compilation and consolidation of the results of the microplanning from the districts and regions
- Support the review and consolidation of microplans
- Support the validation of microplanning data (research options for data validation, GRID3 or other platform to be defined)
- Support the development of the microplanning report including challenges and lessons learned for the next phases of the campaign
- Microplanning template and tools (logistics aspects)
- Micro positioning plans
- Package for trainings of trainers and microplanning workshops, including agendas, PPTs, materials, etc.
- Template and steps to be followed for cleaning and consolidation of microplanning results
- District microplans
- Microplanning report
Development of tools and support to training **
· Based on the list of documents needed for the implementation of logistics activities developed for the first phase and validated by the NMCP, support the review and update of all documents and tools (logistics) to ensure a meticulous follow-up of the country for the next steps.
- Tools for accountability, data collection, synthesis and compilation, supplies management (including personal protection equipment) at each level of the supply chain.
- Supervision and monitoring tools (logistics)
- Agendas for logistics training at all levels, especially for last mile movement (logistics)
- Training manuals (logistics) for all levels (as applicable) and practical learning exercises (role play, etc.)
- Waste management procedures and tools
- Procedures for reconciliation of logistics data, reverse logistics, and transition of ITNs into the routine system (as applicable)
- Standard operating procedures for all campaign logistics actors and for all phases of activity at all levels (as applicable)
- Reporting templates for all logistics activities
Monitoring of the implementation of activities **
- Support the monitoring of logistics activities
- Review the logistics data and support identification of problems and their solutions
- Support establishment and implementation of a feedback system at all levels
- Review information from WhatsApp groups and provide inputs to NMCP for responses to questions, comments and images and video shared on the groups
- Participate in daily meetings
- Support the NMCP to ensure the decision-making process is informed by data for the sake of optimization
- Suggest solutions to identified challenges and issues arising on a daily basis to NMCP
- Implementation of a high-quality campaign, timely resolution of problems, data use for timely decision making and optimization of campaign activities
- Lessons learned and summary of recommendations for phase two
- Support the development of agendas, materials and tools for evaluation meetings at all levels
- Support the development of a standard template to capture lessons learned from the logistics operations from the first phase of the campaign at lower level operations (from aire de sante downward)
- Support the development of the reporting template/format for the campaign (logistics)
- Support the development, review and finalization of the campaign report for logistics activities for the first phase
- Agendas, materials and tools for review meetings for validation
- Standard template for logistics lessons learned for validation
- Report outline/template for logistics activities for the campaign for validation
- Final report from phase one (once validated by NMCP)
Profile of candidate sought
Bachelor’s degree in the field of health sciences administration, project management, or supply chain management desirable**.**
Work experience
At least 5 years’ experience working on logistics management of ITN mass distribution campaigns.
Experience supporting national malaria control programmes in developing and rolling out their plan of action, including microplanning, implementation and post-distribution phases, as well as developing tools for campaign use.
Documented experience of working in complex situations to achieve consensus and effectively manage change.
Documented experience at national and international levels and working with multiple stakeholders.
Proven track record of success in managing assignments independently and efficiently.
Knowledge of malaria partners and stakeholders, particularly those involved in vector control
Knowledge of Global Fund
Time allocation, for budget purposes
The consultancy timeframe will be from 1st March 2022 to January 31st, 2023.
Language requirement
Fluency in French is required for this consultancy.
How to apply:
To express your interest for this consultancy position, please submit your resume and cover letter (including your daily rate) by Thursday 17th of February at health.department@ifrc.org