Country: Panama
Closing date: 26 Aug 2019
The Canadian Red Cross is Canada’s leading Humanitarian Organization whose mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization with 191 member-National Societies globally. The CRC is housed within the IFRC Americas Regional Office (ARO) and is committed to ensure its actions are non-discriminatory towards people of all ages and backgrounds, and to promote gender equality and respect for diversity, and integrate prevention and response to gender based violence across operations.
The Canadian Red Cross (CRC), with the support of Global Affairs Canada (GAC), and the IFRC are implementing the Community Resilience Building Project which aims to strengthen community resilience in the Caribbean. The project supports the institutional development and capacity building of three RC National Societies in Belize, Suriname and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Multiple stakeholders include the Red Cross Caribbean Disaster Risk Management Reference Center (CADRIM)[1], National Disaster Offices, and local Gender Ministries or special interest groups. The project also supports community led interventions and enhanced collaboration among all stakeholders in order to achieve its aims. These combined efforts will result in communities being prepared for and therefore more resilient to hazards and risks associated with disasters and climate change.
The Community Resilience Building (CRB) Project is aligned with GAC’s Feminist International Assistance Policy. As such the project draws on the CRC’s policies, commitments[2] and expertise in the PGIE focus area to apply a gender-responsive and ecosystem-based approach[3] to community disaster risk management and climate change adaptation (CCA). The CRC views gender equality as inseparable from all other forms of intersecting identity markers and recognises their underlying effect on protection concerns. This means that the project staff and volunteers must use our CEA framework to bring in diverse community members in all DRR and CCA activities.
Under the guidance and direct supervision of the CRC’s Regional Representative for the Americas, based in Panama, the PGIE Advisor will support the gender responsive implementation of the CRB project. As a key member of the CRB team, the advisor will be responsible for assisting the partner NS’s to plan, manage, implement, monitor and report on the PGIE elements defined in their country plans and budgets, integrating IFRC and international humanitarian standards of gender equality, protection, quality and accountability in emergency preparedness and response.
In addition to the above-mentioned roles the PGIE advisor will ensure that the PGIE focus area is prioritised and mainstreamed throughout the CRB project. The PGIE Advisor will collaborate with key Red Cross Movement partners, including the NSs, the CRC Americas team, the IFRC Americas Regional Office, the ICRC where possible, and CADRIM to increase the technical effectiveness of the initiatives of the National Societies. In addition, the Advisor will consult closely with the CRC’s PGIE Global Advisors.
The Regional Advisor for PGIE will be contracted by the IFRC’s Secretariat Regional Office in the Americas but will work under the direction of the Canadian Red Cross’s Program Coordination Office in Panama.
· Provide technical advice, project planning and monitoring support specific to the CRB Project
· Provide technical assistance and guidance to the partner National Societies in planning, management, monitoring and reporting on cross cutting themes related to country plans and budgets.
· Coordinate the Gender Equality consultants contracted by PNSs to ensure technical support on PGIE issues in the project, to align GE strategies, policies, tools and trainings.
· Support ongoing project performance monitoring, evaluation and reporting based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Results Based Management (RBM).
· Participate in regional and international humanitarian coordination fora to share information and resources related to PGIE and collaborate as appropriate.
· Coordinate the review of existing IFRC tools to be used in the project ensuring that gender considerations are fully integrated..
· In collaboration with the GE consultants from PNSs, provide or develop informational, educational and communicative (IEC) materials for the National Societies to guide and provide orientation of the integration of gender equality & social inclusion in emergencies, prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), child protection, prevention of sexual and gender based violence in emergencies, community engagement and accountability, gender and CCA and other related topics.
· Share lessons learned, project advances and key results with regional stakeholders and build and maintain knowledge an understanding of local, regional and global Cross-Cutting Themes activities, issues and trends.
· Contribute to, and provide support to the CRC Regional Representative Americas on, consolidated project narrative and financial reports.
· Provide monthly narrative and financial progress reports (including mission reports) to CRC’s Regional Representative, Americas.
· Contribute to the selection, hiring, and support of NS GE consultants or other external consultants sourced for specific technical work and/or evaluations or assessments for the project. · Undertake other duties that may be assigned from time to time which are commensurate to the role of the Advisor.
Work approach
The Advisor will serve as both the GE consultant for St. Vincent and the Grenadines and as regional PGIE advisor that will coordinate the other two GE consultants from Belize and Suriname. The Advisor will convene or conduct visits to the National Societies where the project is being implemented to support them in their ongoing activities and planning process to integrate cross-cutting themes and provide technical support.
The Advisor will collaborate with the Global PGIE advisors, PMER advisors and DM advisors to ensure PGIE is mainstreamed throughout all aspects of the project. The Advisor will participate in the coordination meetings required and agreed by the partners, National Societies and CRC.
Remote support and technical guidance to the National Societies participating in the CRB project.
Review and track all PGIE related activities in the project in a work plan for duration of contract
Quarterly narrative reports to CRC’s Regional Representative, Americas. Mission reports after each visit to the National Societies.
Prepare and conduct PGIE awareness training Modules for NS and Communities and support GE consultants to replicate the trainings in their respective countries.
Review of and coordinate the consolidation of a toolkit to mainstream gender into DRR projects
The scheduled term for the consultancy will not exceed 35 hours/week for a period of 12 months.
· University Degree, preferably Masters level, in the field of women’s studies, gender and development, social sciences or related studies.
· 3 to 5 years experience in providing technical assistance in one or more of the cross cutting themes (Protection, Gender Equality, Social Inclusion, Community Engagement and Accountability) to international humanitarian and development agencies and/or governmental and non-governmental organizations.
· Experience working for a humanitarian aid organisation in the Americas.
· Experience with humanitarian or development project implementation related to climate change adaptation or disaster management ;
· Proven leadership, mentoring, team building, relationship building, negotiating and influencing skills and ability to work effectively in teams.
· Experience in development of educational resources, curriculum, policies and procedures.
· RCRC knowledge and experience is considered an asset. Working knowledge of computer software applications (Windows, Excel, Power Point) and internet communications (zoom, skype, whatsapp)
· Fluency in spoken and written English. Fluency in Spanish and/or French will be considered an asset.
Recommended Presentation of Proposal: Curriculum Vitae
Brief letter of interest in the posting (max 1 page)
Monthly payment upon submission of monthly report and validation of CRC’s Administrative and Financial Coordinator and CRC Representative Americas approval in the amount of USD$ 3,885 per month.
[1] CADRIM is a resource of the Secretariat of the IFRC designed to support Caribbean Red Cross National Societies to build more resilient communities through a focus on risk reduction.
[2] Following the IFRC Strategic Framework on Gender and Diversity 2013-2020 and the 2015 International Conference Resolution “Sexual and gender-based violence: joint action on prevention and response”, the CRC has internal gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) commitments, a Code of Conduct, policies on violence prevention and the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), a Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) and an Indigenous Peoples Framework that all compliment the IFRC Minimum standards commitments (MSCs) for Protection, Gender equality and Social Inclusion in emergencies.
[3] The project uses the IUCN definition of EbA which is a people-centric concept, that acknowledges that human resilience depends critically on the integrity of ecosystems and the promotion of human rights under changing climate conditions
How to apply:
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