Closing date: 30 Jul 2017
The IFRC is seeking a team leader (an independent consultant) to carry out an evaluation of the Zika Virus Disease Outbreak from July to September 2017.
Location: Geneva, Panama, Colombia, Brazil and El Salvador (3 countries affected by Zika)
Duration: up to 30 days
Start date: July 2017
The evaluation will focus on the following areas:
1) Relevance and appropriateness – the extent to which the IFRC and NS response has been well-suited to communities’ needs and the context in which assistance is provided.
2) Coverage – the extent to which the NS response reaches communities in need.
3) Efficiency – how well are inputs (ie. funds, people, material and time) used to undertake activities and converted to results.
4) Coherence – the extent to which the NS response take adequate account of and consistently uphold humanitarian principles.
5) Sustainability– the ability to transfer skills and knowledge to NS to continue long term Zika programming.
For further details on the requested profile, including how to apply, please see the full terms of reference below.
Closing date for applications: Sunday, 30 July 2017.
Application material is non-returnable, and we thank you in advance for understanding that only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the next step in the application process. To access the ToR, go to:
How to apply:
Interested candidates for the external evaluation leader position should submit their application material by Sunday, 30 July 2017 to the following email: