General objective
The overall objective of this consultancy is to support the NMEP with internal capacity building (NMEP and partners) in the use of GIS maps for future ITN and SMC campaigns, as well as integrated campaigns. The objective will be to build on lessons learned from 2022 and 2023 ITN campaigns and support members of the NMEP and implementing partners to use GIS maps as part of future health campaigns. The training will be delivered to 15 national level members of the NMEP from Integrated Vector Surveillance IVM, Surveillance Monitoring and Evaluation and Operations Research (SMEOR) branches and ICT4D officers, as well as NMEP’s implementing partners from Catholic Relief Services, Society for Family Health, Management Sciences for Health and Malaria Consortium.
Nigeria’s National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) has led the successful distribution of over 200 million insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) since 2009 through mass campaigns. Over time, the NMEP and implementing partners have developed expertise for different campaign processes, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of mass ITN distribution to achieve the WHO Global Technical Strategy (GTS) targets for universal coverage of malaria prevention. In January 2020, representatives from NMEP and Society for Family Health (SFH) traveled to Sierra Leone to participate in the microplanning process to better understand how other countries are implementing the different steps involved in the activity and how they are using the data collected to further improve their campaign outcomes. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, microplanning needed to be changed in line with the federal government's infection prevention and control measures, and technical assistance was shifted to distance support, leaving the last step of improving Nigeria’s microplanning process incomplete. For the 2021 campaigns, the NMEP continued to implement the improved microplanning process. In 2022 and 2023 the NMEP, responsible for coordination, monitoring, and oversight of a significant number of campaigns, primarily ITN and seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) campaigns, but also indoor residual spraying (IRS), began work on geo-enabled microplanning to perennialize mapping and microplans for all malaria interventions delivered through campaigns.
In 2022, in collaboration with GRID3, a microplanning pilot using GIS was implemented successfully in Kano state, including piloting the use of GIS mapping during implementation. This has improved microplanning outputs by providing accurate maps that can be digitally stored, opportunities to capture all settlements and avoid missed settlements, proper demarcation of settlements and estimated population per settlement, and more accurate boundaries. This improves the quality of campaign coverage data by providing more accurate population estimates, thus ensuring equitable distribution of ITNs (or other health commodities) including to vulnerable populations and hard to reach areas.
In 2023, three states have been planned for microplanning and implementation: Adamawa, Kwara, and Osun. The ITN campaign implementation will end in September 2023.
Specific objectives
Two consultants will be hired to complete this assignment. The objective of this consultancy assignment will be to develop the curriculum for the GIS training and deliver a 5-day training in in Abuja, FCT. Specific objectives include:
- Develop a curriculum on the use of GIS maps for ITN mass campaigns and other integrated health interventions, working closely with the NMEP representatives from Integrated Vector Management (IVM), Surveillance Monitoring and Evaluation and Operations Research (SMEOR), and ICT4D, with IVM representative being the team lead.
- Prepare engaging and informative training materials, including datasets, presentations, handouts, and reference guides.
- Deliver the training to the participants covering the scheduled agenda/syllabus including hands-on practical exercises.
- Evaluate the performance of the participants to measure their progress and gather feedback to improve future GIS training sessions.
- Provide a comprehensive guideline for NMEP for the proper GIS data archiving for use in future campaigns.
The training includes group work and other practical activities designed to encourage participation and hands-on learning for all attendees.
- NMEP staff from IVM, ICT4D and SMEOR
- Implementing partners (IPs) M&E and ICT4D staff from- (CRS, SFH, MC and MSH)
Dates required:
Training is scheduled for September 2023.
Expected outcome/deliverables:
A detailed report is expected from the AMP consultants at the end of the technical support period. The report will cover the following areas:
- Training curriculum on the use of GIS maps for ITN and other campaigns, including integrated health campaigns.
- Details of the training program, training materials developed, participant attendance, evaluation results, feedback, and recommendations for further improvement.
- Recommendations for expanding the use of the geo-enabled maps to include all campaign activities that require detailed operational planning.
- Results of the training and recommendations for the next steps
- Any additional relevant information.
Consultancy candidate requirements:
Educational qualifications
- University degree in geographic information systems, information technology, or a related discipline from a recognized institution.
Experience and skills
- At least five years of experience with online/cloud-based project management systems
- At least five years of experience in geographic information systems programming and development
- Country-level experience implementing digital microplanning for ITN distribution or vaccination campaigns (preferred)
- Experience and proficiency with capacity development for GIS and using geospatial information products, including facilitating district-level workshops.
- Demonstrated ability to work independently and as part of a team in a cross-cultural environment
- Intermediate capabilities using current ArcGIS Suite or related technologies
- Knowledge of cartography, coordinate systems, and map projections
- Knowledge of mobile data collection and GPS techniques
- Experience supporting web-based GIS services (ArcGIS Online, Enterprise Portal)
Languages and level required:
Fluency in English (required).
The timeframe of this consultancy assignment is from 18th of September 2023 to 31st of December 2023.
Alignment to the IFRC’s objectives and strategy:
The Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP)’s mandate aligns to the Federation’s Strategy 2030 as it supports the achievement of strategic aims:
1) Save lives, protect livelihoods and strengthen recovery from disasters and crises
2) Enable healthy and safe living.
Project objectives and timelines:
Objective #1: Scaling up and maintaining universal coverage targets of malaria prevention with ITNs through all available channels including mass distribution campaigns and continuous distribution channels.
Desired outcomes: Countries requesting technical assistance to the Alliance for Malaria Prevention are adequately supported and, in a position, to successfully implement ITN mass campaign and continuous distribution activities.
Support to be provided to the consultant:
Consultants will be supported by the GRID3 Nigeria team, the Manager - Malaria Programmes and the Officer for AMP Coordination, the NMEP, SMEP and in-country partners.
How to apply
To apply for this position, please submit your resume and cover letter to by Monday 11th of September COB.
Please include your daily rate in your application.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.