The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is the world’s largest humanitarian organization, with a network of 191-member National Societies. The overall aim of the IFRC is “to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.” The IFRC works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during and after disasters, health emergencies and other crises.
The IFRC is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement), together with its member National Societies and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). The work of the IFRC is guided by the following fundamental principles: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.
The IFRC has five regional offices in Africa, Asia Pacific, Middle East and North Africa, Europe, and the Americas. The IFRC also has country cluster delegations and country delegations throughout the world. Together, the Geneva Headquarters and the field structure (regional, cluster and country delegations) comprise the IFRC Secretariat.
At Geneva level the Health and Care Department focuses on two strategic directions;
- Health System Strengthening
- WASH System Strengthening
These two strategic directions are supported by four pillars:
- Global Health Security
- Global Health Protection / UHC
- Global WASH Services
- Transformative Partnership
Overall objective:
The overall objective of this consultancy is support the IFRC Immunization Program to strengthen immunization systems and implementation of activities to deliver more vaccines to more children, including older age groups, and interrupt transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases. The M&E focal person will assess the impact of the immunization programs, including service delivery, through evaluation and assessment of surveillance data, monitoring and evaluation of vaccination coverage and other key immunization program indicators; to develop novel monitoring systems and evaluate new ideas to improve immunization services and delivery, including integration with other public health interventions and the build capacity to make decisions for effective, efficient and sustainable immunization programs.
Consultancy objectives / outputs:
- Utilize analytical skill sets and experience to conduct data management and data analysis components of immunization activities.
- Provide expert consultation and technical guidance and develop capacity of country program data analysts, data managers, and M&E officers in summarizing, reviewing, analyzing, and presenting country immunization program data.
- Provide technical support to country teams, their implementing partners, and Ministries of Health to strengthen data collection, analysis, and use for program and data quality improvement.
- Assist countries and regional offices through providing training, monitoring and evaluation methods and materials.
- Develop and monitor and design evaluation activities to track key process, output, and impact indicators related to the immunization program.
- Consult and collaborate with international and national partners on routine immunization strengthening and vaccine preventable disease planning and intervention methods and conduct evaluation and assessments of relevant activities in various settings.
- Support the IFRC Immunization Team to contribute to generation of evidence by analyzing, interpreting, and applying sound scientific information and to develop policies, strategies, and guidelines related to vaccine, immunization, and vaccine-preventable disease surveillance.
- Promote standardized approaches to routine immunization program monitoring, data quality improvement, data analysis, use, and visualization, and assessment of M&E systems.
- Strengthen capacity & advance strategic information use for decision-making within IFRC Immunization programs.
- Review routinely collected immunization data to assess progress towards achieving program targets.
- Through ongoing monitoring of the program, identify priorities, apply judgment, and take action to implement any changes to address emerging priorities.
- Guide the development of strategies and tools to assess and support country immunization programs, activities to eradicate polio, and activities to control/eliminate measles, and strengthening of national routine immunization programs.
- Support the development of activities and monitoring systems to identify under-immunized, high-risk, vulnerable, or other underserved populations to target for immunization service delivery and inclusion in vaccine campaigns.
- Develop and write monthly, quarterly, yearly, or as needed, M&E summary reports including evaluation and assessment of key immunization program and performance indicators to be shared with leadership and external partners and donors.
Desired Qualifications:
- Sound knowledge of immunization program planning, implementation, and evaluation.
- Experience working in diverse developing low-resource country settings.
- Experience conducting scientific or programmatic research and/or technical support to international public health programs.
- Experience working with a range of stakeholders including international, national, and local partners.
- Strong diplomatic and interpersonal skills with experience working effectively as a team member in diverse, multidisciplinary environments.
- Ability to foster collaboration among diverse external and internal stakeholders and partners to achieve program goals.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English.
How to apply
The consultant will be contracted by the IFRC and the standard contractual terms will apply.
Applications should include the following documents:
- Curriculum Vitae
- A cover letter summarizing your experience, suggested an approach to the work, your daily
rate in CHF.
Interested candidates should send their CV, letter of interest, and daily consultancy rate in CHF
(Swiss francs) to
Email subject: 'Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant IFRC Immunization'