International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Background and rationale
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC or “the Federation”) is the world’s largest volunteer-based humanitarian network. The Federation is a membership organization established by and comprised of its member National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Along with National Societies (NS) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the Federation is part of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The overall aim of the IFRC is “to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies to prevent and alleviate human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.” It works to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people before, during, and after disasters, health emergencies, and other crises.
The Federation is served by a Secretariat based in Geneva, with regional and country offices throughout the world. The Secretariat is led by the Secretary-General and provides the central capacity of the IFRC to serve, connect, and represent National Societies. The Secretariat’s focus includes providing support to the IFRC governance mechanisms; setting norms and standards; providing guidance; ensuring consistency, coordination, and accountability for performance; knowledge sharing; promoting collaboration within and respect for the RCRC Movement; and expanding engagement with partners. The Secretariat’s headquarters is organized in three main Divisions: (i) Global Relations, Humanitarian Diplomacy and Digitalization (GRHDD); (ii) Management Policy, Strategy, and Corporate Services (MPSCS); and (iii) National Society Development and Operations Coordination (NSDOC). The Health and Care department is part of the NSDOC division. It consists of three teams, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene promotion (WASH), Emergency Health and Community health team.
The Care in the Community programming supports the IFRC's programmatic vision for community health and its translation into programmatic interventions, in close collaboration with IFRC Regional Offices, and reference centres by providing technical advice, support, representation and coordination to the Federation's programmes in the areas of care in the community (CIC), Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Healthy Ageing (HA), Mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and First Aid (FA).
Objectives of the consultancy
The main objective of this consultancy is to provide technical support and deliver outputs as outlined in this document to meet the design and lay-out needs of IFRC documents related to care in the community (CIC), Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Healthy Ageing (HA), and First Aid (FA) according to IFRC standards and guidelines.
Key Deliverables
Design and layout as per IFRC standards and style guide:
Care in Communities global and regional reports
Evidence-based Care in Communities packages for RCRC network:
- Communicable Diseases
- Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Sexual, reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health (SRMNCAH)
Marketing documents and case studies developed for CIC, Healthy ageing, NCD, MHPSS and FA
Other documents developed for CIC, Healthy ageing, NCD, MHPSS and FA
Management of the consultant
The consultant will be line managed by the IFRC Manager – Care in Communities – Community Health, Health and Care Department, Geneva. The position is home-based.
Proposed steps to follow
- Submit the initial draft
- Final draft after incorporating the feedback and inputs.
- Finalise and submit the key deliverables as outlined in this document
Proposed time frame
The consultancy will be for 35 working days spread over a period starting from 1st January to 31st December 2023.
Consultant profile
- With a degree in graphic design and significant work experience (at least 5 years) in the area of graphic design
- Strong knowledge of IFRC design and Style guide.
- Knowledge of the latest software in graphic design (InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop)
- Knowledge and capacity to work and create templates in Word and PowerPoint
- Capacity to design, layout and provide documents ready-to-print
- Proven expertise and previous experience in working with international organisations and in different languages
- Displays gender & diversity sensitivity and adaptability
- The consultant will be contracted by the IFRC and the standard contractual terms will apply.
- Agreed travel expenses will be reimbursed at a cost in accordance with the IFRC’s relevant regulations.
How to apply
Interested candidates should send their application to email with subject: “ CONSULTANCY DESIGN AND LAYOUT SERVICES”
Please include the information/documents within your application:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Cover letter summarizing your experience and suggested approach to the work.
- your daily rate(Swiss francs)
- three professional references.
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.